+1 (786) 634-0927

10944 SW 184th St Miami, FL 33157, United States

Our Services

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a dental procedure that involves removing tartar and plaque from the pocket area between the gums and teeth, from the surface of the teeth, and even from the surface of the roots of the teeth. Apart from dental loupes, the dentists need to use either manual scaling tools or electric/ultrasonic instruments to carry out scaling and root planning. The main difference between regular cleaning and deep cleaning is the area of focus. In regular cleaning, your dentist will only focus on cleaning the areas at and above the gum line …

Dental implants

The best and most permanent way to replace real teeth is with dental implants. The placement of dental implants involves minor oral surgery to place the implant into the patient’s jawbone. Though the process takes a few months and several procedures to complete, the placement of dental implants gives the patient permanent artificial teeth. Implant-supported crowns and dentures work just like real teeth.

Tooth extractions

When a decayed tooth is too far gone to be saved, a general dentist will pull it out. When an impacted tooth tries to push past the gum and fails, the dentist removes it. The dentist will also remove a troublesome and painful wisdom tooth that will not make up its mind if it wants to grow or not. If the problem tooth is above the gum, the dentist will remove it by loosening it from its bone socket and pulling it out. A tooth that is causing trouble under the gum is extracted with minor oral surgery.

Root Canals

Root canals treat diseases or absessed teeth. Once a tooth is injured, cracked or decayed, it is necessary to open the tooth and clean out the infected tissue in the centre. This space is then filled and the opening sealed. Keeping your tooth helps to prevent your other teeth from drifting out of line and causing jaw problems. Saving a natural tooth avoids having to replace it with an artificial tooth. Talk to your dentist or endodontic about any concerns or questions you may have.

Crowns and Caps

A crown or cap is a cover that fits over a tooth that has been damaged by decay, broken, badly stained or mis-shaped. It is prepared by your dentist, and usually requires more than one visit to complete. A crown can be made of acrylic, metal, porcelain, or porcelain bonded to metal. All-porcelain crowns look more like your natural teeth, and therefore are usually used for front teeth, while porcelain bonded to metal is stronger and better for crowns in the back of the mouth. Sometimes all-metal crowns are used for back teeth because of the metal’s strength. To prepare …


Dentures are prosthetic devices replacing lost teeth. There are two types of dentures – partial and full. Full dentures are often referred to as “false teeth”. Learn more on our Dentures page.

Fillings and Repairs

Dental fillings and repairs use restorative materials used to repair teeth which have been compromised due to cavities or trauma. More information on fillings can be found here.


Bonding is a treatment that can be used to repair teeth that are decayed, chipped, fractured or discolored or to reduce gaps between teeth. For this procedure, a dentist mixes composite resin — a type of plastic — into a paste, then tints the mixture to whiten or match the color of your teeth. Several layers of resin are applied to each tooth. Each layer is hardened under an ultraviolet light or laser. Final steps include shaping and polishing the resin material so the finished tooth looks natural and smooth. Bonding can also be used to build up older teeth …

Teeth Whitening

A frequent request we receive is how to make a smile whiter and brighter. This is a pretty simple and quick treatment option that can be performed periodically. Certain foods and beverages, such as wine and coffee, stain the teeth and contribute to discoloration. The teeth whitening process provides a solution that lightens the shade of the teeth. in addition, the process actually rids the teeth of plaque and tartar that tend to lead to dental problems.